DECEMBER 2000                  A glance at our schools from the inside!

Operating Levy passes on November ballot

Tusky Valley Students are the Winners!

Some educators have stated, "The future begins in today’s schools." On the November Election Ballot, our school district renewed an operating levy. This was a very important issue for our school system. While school funding is still a heavily debated issue in the Ohio Legislature, schools are becoming even more hard-pressed to find adequate resources. The parents, community, school board members, and administrators must continue to make a strong effort to guarantee that the future of our students remains the number one priority. No one can predict the future, but as the passage of the renewal levy occurred, there will certainly be many questions about what this will do for Tusky Valley Schools.

Student achievement will always be the number one concern, and with finances available Tusky Valley will be able to direct resources and energies that will assist in student achievement.

With all the issues in education, technology is the issue that potentially can alter the future of education. The future of computer technology and telecommunications will continue to grow and change education.

Accountability, student achievement, telecommunications, and technology are all things that will remain as priorities, along with many other tools of accountability.

Yes, the students at Tusky Valley are winners because the majority of voters felt education was important. Thank you for your support and trust of Tusky Valley.

Leonard Chaplinski, Superintendent

New Staff
welcomed for
SY 2000-2001

Tuscarawas Valley started the school year with fourteen new faces. Please welcome with us the following new employees: Susan Andrukat, New Cumberland Intervention; Jennifer Burrell, Mineral City SBH; Dani Fishley, middle school physical education; Jane Larke, high school science; Vicki Neighbor, Bolivar 4th Grade; Carol Starkey, Gifted; and Matt Ward, Mineral City 4th Grade. Bolivar’s new principal, Laurie Hall, completes the certificated list.

In the area of school support, new employees include Tom Downing, Dena Locker, and Gail Wise, bus drivers. Jim Downing began duties as Supervisor of Transportation, Buildings/Grounds, Cafeterias on November 1.

Through the county office, we are now receiving services from Fran Mester, school nurse, and Pam Beitzel, social worker.

Welcome to all!



Richard Levengood, President, 343-2386
Susan Kaschak, Member, 874-2364
Chuck Knaack, Member, 874-3218
Mark Kordon, Member, 874-3543
Jack Sundheimer, Member, 874-3335
Leonard Chaplinski, Superintendent
Susan K. Raymond, Treasurer

New Cumberland News

Physical Education students have been selling American flags to help fund a week-long program of rollerskating. Flags are $5 each and can be obtained through the office. Canned goods and toys for Christmas 2000 have been collected by the students, who have also been busy decorating grocery sacks with holiday artwork for display inside Bolivar’s Giant Eagle.

Kindergarteners and first graders celebrated Thanksgiving together with a Snack Feast at the New Cumberland Methodist Church. For a number of years, kindergartners, because they are "new arrivals," dress like Puritans, and first graders come as Native Americans. Each class brings treats, songs, or stories to share with their new friends. The fourth grade is stinking up the whole place ... wow, what a smell! ... as they create their own mystery substances for use in a classification project. Third graders are using the Internet to answer questions for their game, "Who Wants to be a Genius 2000?" Guest contestants are welcome, so if you’re up for a challenge, come and try your luck. In second grade, students are studying fairy tales. They will rewrite several of them in play form and perform for other classrooms as a "traveling troupe!"


Thoughts from Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Our Holiday Wish for you,
our valued friends:

To laugh often and love much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give one’s self;
To leave the world a little better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm
And sung with exultation;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived . . .
This is to have succeeded.

Tusky Valley’s Tour Group is getting ready to "hit the road" again during summer 2002. New leaders Jim and Laura Lindon plan to make the trip as fun, exciting, educational, and safe as possible. The tour, leaving June 12, 2002, and returning June 25, 2002, will be a fourteen-day visit to southern Italy and Greece. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please call Jim or Laura at 330.859.2421.

Tusky Valley’s Community Action Team is selling Entertainment 2001 books for $28.00. Sale of the books will support the 2001 Post Prom, an activity sponsored by the Action Team. If you wish to purchase a book, please contact TVHS at 330.859.2421 or Lucy Ricklic at 330.364.4177 after 6:00 PM.

Our Students and Staff Shine!

Tuscarawas Valley students and staff continue to be recognized for their accomplishments and achievements. We congratulate them!

Alyssa Binsley, a TVHS sophomore, was named winner in a countywide logo contest for the Community Youth Connection organization.

Band students selected to perform in the Ohio Music Educator’s District VIII Honors Band at KSU Stark were: Erica Fleeher, Brent Swaldo, Cindy Spillman, Matt Ringler, Sharon Mase, Meredith Lentz, and Jacob Gantz. Elise White participated in the Alderson-Broaddus College Honors Wind Ensemble.

Cross Country honors went to Jon Gerig, 1st Team PAC-7 and Runner of the Year and Joel Stone, 1st Team PAC-7. Football athletes selected were Andy Cook, Matt Hudas, and Dan Vincent, 1st Team PAC-7, 1st Team District; and Andrew Fliger, 1st Team PAC-7.



Calendar Reminders ... be sure to check your Annual Calendar, too!

January 3, 2001 Classes resume

January 4 Parent Meeting, 6th Grade Camp, Middle School Library, 7PM

January 10 TV Spelling Bee, Middle School Cafeteria, 7PM

January 26 Middle School Student Council Dance, 7:30-10PM

January 15 Martin Luther King Day--No School

January 31 2-Hour Delay--Teacher Inservice

February 9 Middle School Peer Leadership Dance, 7:30-10PM

February 15 County Spelling Bee, Middle School, 7PM

February 16 School Not in Session

February 19 President’s Day--No School

February 27 Middle School P/T Conf., 3:30-7PM } Teachers will contact parents of

March 8 Middle School P/T Conf., 3:30-6:30 PM } students needing conferences

March 12-16 Proficiency Off-Grade Testing (NOTE: This is a change in scheduling)

March 27-30 Washington DC Trip (8th Graders)